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Slip Disc Treatment in Meerut / Disc Disease Treatment and Operation In Meerut

Let us learn about treatment of slip disc, sciatica and recovery after slip disc surgery from the best Neurosurgeon in Delhi, Meerut and western UP, Dr. Amit Bindal.

Seek immediate help for treatment of slipped disc, surgery for slip disc, endoscopic surgery for slip disc from the top Spine surgeon in Delhi and Meerut, Dr. Amit Bindal at Bindal Brain and Spine Clinics, Meerut, who has more than 15 years of expertise in spine surgery at affordable prices and best possible outcome.

What is a slip disc?

slip disc

Slipped disc is a misnomer. The disc is not slipped but only a part of it has protruded from its confines.

The disc between the two vertebraes has a central part called nucleus pulposus and a outer hard covering called annulus fibrosus.

In Slip disc or herniated disc a small part of the nucleus puposus protrudes or extrudes from the annulus fibrosus thus compressing the nerve roots causing pain and other symptoms.

Slip Disc / Disc Disease Treatment & Operation

Slip Disc / Disc Disease Treatment & Operation

Slip Disc / Disc Disease Treatment & Operation

Slip Disc / Disc Disease Treatment & Operation

A slipped disc presses on a nerve root that causes sudden and severe lower back pain and other symptoms like tingling, numbness, burning, and paraesthesia in the leg and foot. Usually the symptoms fade over several weeks, but if they persist, surgery is required.

What are the parts of spine where a slip disc can occur?

Any area of your spine, from your neck to your lower back, is susceptible to having a slipped disc. One of the more common places for a slipped disc is the lower back.

Your spinal column is a complex web of blood vessels and nerves. The muscles and nerves nearby can experience increased pressure as a result of a slipped disc.

What results in a slipped disc?

It is not clear why some people get slip discs and others do not. These people are most likely suffering from a weakening of the affected disc’s outer layer.

Awkward bending, sneezing, or heavy lifting in an awkward position are actions that may unexpectedly raise the intra-abdominal pressure, and this increased strain on the disc may allow the inner, softer section of the disc to squeeze out through the weaker outer part of the disc.

But many a times there we cannot find the exact precipitating factor causing a herniated disc.

Many a times pain starts spontaneously or during sleep.

Other factors that can increase the chances of having back issues are:

  • Obesity
  • Strain or injury
  • Physical Inactivity
  • Smoking
  • Poor posture

Slip disc or herniated disc are common at what ages?

Between the ages of 30 and 50, slipped discs are most frequently diagnosed, and males experience them more frequently than females do. A slipped disc is uncommon in people under the age of 20.

How can we recognize that a person may have a slipped disc?

slipped disc

The following are symptoms of a slipped disc:

symptoms of a slipped disc

  • Low back pain is the most common symptom.
    This pain may be localized to back or neck or may radiate down the leg over the distribution area of the nerve.
    Leg pain is prominent in some patients. This is called Sciatica
  • Pain that spreads to the arms or legs
  • Pain gets worse at night or when performing particular movements
  • Pain that gets worse after standing or sitting
  • Pain after taking brief walks
  • Unexplained muscular weakness
  • Feeling of tingling, aching, or burning in the affected area

slipped disc

slipped disc

What is sciatica?


Sciatic nerve is a very big nerve which travels form spine and goes to the hip region and then give out roots to supply our leg region.

During slip disc or due to various pathology, in which the lumbar nerve roots are compressed, the pain radiates or shoot down the leg starting from the back up to the hip, lower down the leg. This sharpshooting radiating pain from the back to the lower leg is called sciatica.

The most common cause of sciatica or sciatic pain is slip disc or disc herniation.

Why a slip disc causes pain in the leg?

As the slip disc compresses over the nerve root in lower back, which forms the sciatic nerve which goes in the leg, the pain of the slip disc is many a times perceived in the hip region, the back of the thigh and leg.

What is Cauda equina syndrome?

Whenever Slip disc is large and abrupt, it causes severe compression of nerve roots.

This leads to loss of function of the nerves controlling sensations of the urinary system and stool system. This causes loss of sensation of urine, leading to retention of urine. Patient is not able to pass stools. Sometimes urinary incontinence is there.

What are the tests to diagnose Slipped disc or a Herniated disc?

diagnose Slipped disc or a Herniated disc

Your doctor will take a complete history along with physical examination of the patient.

If some back problem or slip disc is suspected he will order a MRI scan of your back.

MRI is the best investigation to diagnose a patient with slipped or herniated disc.

Using all of this data, your doctor can identify the source of your pain, weakness, or discomfort to better plan your further treatment strategy.

Which doctor is ideal for the treatment of slip disc and sciatica?

A Neurosurgeon doctor is well trained to understand all the facets of back pain, slip disc and sciatica along with its treatment with medicines or operation if required.

What are the best treatment options available for a slipped disc?

Treatment of Slip disc without surgery:

Various forms of treatment are available for the treatment of slip disc without surgery.

The first course of therapy for a slipped disc is typically nonsurgical. This consists of:

  • Rest
  • Physical therapy or physiotherapy
  • Transforaminal Epidural steroid injection (TFESI)
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Nerve pain medicines like pregabalin and gabapentin
  • Acupuncture, hot fomentation, acupressure etc.

All these measures are a time buying modalities trying to sooth the patient while the disease have a natural resolution.

The majority of people who have a slipped disc gradually improve over a few days or weeks by various forms of treatment.

By three to four months, Up to 90% of the patients recover completely. Some individuals do go through painful phases while they recover.

But very few patients who do not recover by all means will have to go for surgery.

What are the nerve root blocks or Transforaminal epidural steroid injections(TFESI)?

As many slipped disc patients are treated with medicines only, sometimes a steroid injection is performed near the route which is causing pain. The aim of these injections is to give the patients symptomatic relief so they can ride over acute phase, this is because most cases of the slip disc or self-limiting and will get better overtime.

After the injection, a person is encouraged to gradually increase their activity and undergo physiotherapy. Slowly, the disease will heal and the pain goes away.

In all it is basically a time buying procedure used for symptomatic relief of the patient as they wait for the disease to heal itself.

Surgery for Slip disc or slip disc operation:

Only a few patients with a slipped disc require surgery after nonsurgical measures have failed to relieve their discomfort. The surgery may also be recommended for patients with the following conditions:

  • Unrelenting pain: pain which is not responding to medicines
  • Weakness in foot or leg: Foot drop
  • Having trouble walking
  • A lack of bowel or bladder control (Also called as cauda equina syndrome)

An emergency surgery is required in cases of urinary problems due to slipped disc.

Types of surgery for Slipped disc or Herniated disc

Endoscopic surgery slip disc

Slipped disc or Herniated disc

Slipped disc or Herniated disc

Slipped disc or Herniated disc

Slipped disc or Herniated disc

Slipped disc or Herniated disc

This the most common technique for treating a single slipped disc.

Other techniques are microdissectomy and microendoscopic dissectomy.

Different surgeons employ different techniques based on their choice.

Though these different techniques use different instrumentations, more or less they all are similar and have similar outcomes for the patients.

Open Dissectomy

Sometimes an open operation is required if there are slipped disc at multiple levels or both sides of the nerves are compressed.

What type of slip disc surgery is better, open surgery for slip disc or endoscopic surgery for slip disc?

At present 99% of the slip disc patients don’t need an open surgery. It is well treated by advanced techniques like Microdissectomy or Endoscopic Dissectomy. The advantages of these advanced surgery are:

  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Less pain.
  • Small incision.
  • Less blood loss.
  • Faster recovery.
  • Patient may well go to work after 10 to 15 days of our of surgery.

How long is endoscopic dissectomy surgery?

It about 1-2 hrs in a typical slip disc operation.

How much does slip disc surgery surgery cost?

Slipped disc surgery at affordable cost

We at Bindal Clinics believe in affordable health care for all.

Surgery for slipped disc which includes Microdissectomy or endoscopic surgery for slip disc at Bindal Clinics costs around around 80,000 rupees to one lakh rupees.

In big corporate hospitals in India this type of surgery costs anywhere between 2.5 lakh rupees and go up to 3 lakh rupees.

We operate with all the latest state of art gadgets like surgical Microscope, Endoscopic system, CUSA (cavitron ultrasonic aspirator), High Speed Drill system, neuronavigation etc.

We believe in the best possible outcome of surgery for patients with herniated disc.

What are the outcomes of surgery for slipped disc?

More than 90% of the patients are improved after the surgery, have a very good functional outcome and return to their previous work.

Some patients may complain of mild pain or numbness after the surgery which usually subsides over the time.

Less than one percent of the patients require resurgery or any other complications.

Can there be paralysis after spine surgery for herniated disc?

No, usually up to 90% of patients recover fully after surgery.

There are very minimal chances of aggravation of paralysis after surgery. Sometimes if the nerve root is inflamed or due to surgical trauma rarely a patient may suffer from weakness of foot also known as foot drop.

When can I walk after spinal surgery for slip disc?

Usually the patients start walking soon after the effect of anaesthesia wears off, or the next day. Usually the patient goes to bathroom next day walking without support.

For how long I will need rest after surgery?

Usually rest for 10-15 days, can do mild work after 15 days

Can go for sitting job after 20- 25 days.

Can return to original activities gradually after 2-3 mnths.

Can I lift weight after spinal surgery for slipped disc?

Yes, after mnths of surgery you can lift weights or be involved in strenuous activities

Experience state-of-the-art treatment at Bindal Clinics

We want the best for your brain and spine health here at the Bindal Clinics in Meerut.

Schedule a consultation to discuss more about the treatment of  slip disc, sciatica and endoscopic surgery for slip disc with the best spine specialist doctor in Delhi and Meerut, Dr. Amit Bindal, who has more than 15 years of expertise in Spine surgery at affordable prices.

spinal surgery for slipped disc

spinal surgery for slipped disc

spinal surgery for slipped disc

spinal surgery for slipped disc

Spine surgery | Back pain | Slip Disc | Advance Techniques | Dr. Amit Bindal | Bindal Clinics

What is Slip Disc | Back Pain | Sciatica | Treatment of Slip Disc | Dr. Amit Bindal

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